
2020-2021 Workshops

**Please note, all workshops will be online this year unless otherwise noted. We will continue with online workshops until school and Illinois Phase Guidelines deem it possible to meet in person.

Click here to register for this year’s membership/workshops.

September 12: “Out of the Box with Online Mini Presentations”
  • Andrea Donahoe:  “Lessons Re-imagined (remote learning)
  • Thom Borden: “Virtual Participatory Storytelling
  • Charissa Joy Duncan: “Create Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors through Literature in the Music Classroom
  • Mary-Lynn Doherty: “Teaching in the Affective Domain: SEL and comprehensive musicianship
October 10: Christa Jones:  “Celebrating the Music and Culture of Your School’s Families”
February 6: Chapter Share

If you are interested in presenting at our Chapter share in February or have any questions, please email foxvallyorff@gmail.com

April 10: Ben Torres –  TBa